About Eleftheria Ntanou

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So far Eleftheria Ntanou has created 102 blog entries.

LeADS Final Conference: Legally compliant data-driven society

By |2024-10-11T10:49:17+00:00Ottobre 11th, 2024|

11th of October 2024 Aula Magna – Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies   Piazza martiri della Libertà 33, Pisa Free Event - Organized in the framework of the Pisa Internet Festival  Data drive our societies, open to new technological solutions and scientific discoveries. Data create new market opportunities and new challenges also to security. These processes [...]

PUBLIC PRESENTATION – INNOVATION CHALLENGE “AI Act Compass: Navigating Requirements for High-Risk AI Systems”

By |2024-10-11T10:54:19+00:00Ottobre 10th, 2024|

PISA -10 OCTOBER 2024 1  CHALLENGE 7  TEAMS FROM ALL OVER EUROPE 7  INNOVATIVE IDEAS 1   WINNER (OR MAYBE 3)! Join us to discover the 7 innovative solutions that will help developers or deployers of AI systems to navigate the risk classification system of the AI Act. The EU project “LeADS- Legality attentive data scientists- [...]

APERTE LE ISCRIZIONI AL CORSO DI ALTA FORMAZIONE “Aggiornamenti in materia di GDPR, CTR, MDR: protezione dei dati, sperimentazioni cliniche a scopo di ricerca scientifica, dispositivi medici alla luce dell’AI Act”

By |2024-10-14T14:48:09+00:00Settembre 17th, 2024|

Corso di Alta Formazione: Aggiornamenti in materia di GDPR, CTR, MDR: protezione dei dati, sperimentazioni cliniche a scopo di ricerca scientifica, dispositivi medici alla luce dell’AI Act  Date di svolgimento: 21, 22 ottobre 2024 Le iscrizioni scadono il giorno 11.10.2024 Il Corso si svolgerà sia in presenza presso le Sedi della Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna che on-line [...]

APERTE LE ISCRIZIONI AL CORSO DI ALTA FORMAZIONE “Presa in carico dell’infortunato e gestione dei sinistri: profili sostanziali e strategie processuali in materia di danno alla persona”

By |2024-08-01T15:15:15+00:00Agosto 1st, 2024|

Corso di Alta Formazione: Presa in carico dell’infortunato e gestione dei sinistri: profili sostanziali e strategie processuali in materia di danno alla persona Date di svolgimento: 11, 25 novembre, 9 dicembre 2024 Le iscrizioni scadono il 31 OTTOBRE 2024 Il Corso si svolgerà in presenza presso le Sedi della Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Per info e [...]


By |2024-07-19T12:58:33+00:00Luglio 19th, 2024|

POLICY BRIEF   15 05 2024 16 Francesca Gennari Regulation (EU) 2023/1230 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2023 on machinery and repealing Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Directive 73/361/EEC PE/6/2023/REV/1 OJ L 165, 29.6.2023 BACKGROUND OF THE LEGISLATIVE ACT The machinery [...]


By |2024-07-08T08:58:14+00:00Luglio 4th, 2024|

EVENTO PROGETTO FIT4MEDROB 16 LUGLIO 2024,  9:00 - 13:00 Aula Magna, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna e Teams cliccando qui Fornire strumenti e soprattutto soluzioni giuridiche, di policy ed economiche per l'innovazione e la ricerca in ambito della biorobotica riabilitativa e delle tecnologie alleate. Questo è lo scopo dell'incontro del prossimo 16 luglio 2024, in presenza in [...]


By |2024-06-14T11:32:50+00:00Giugno 14th, 2024|

POLICY BRIEF   15 05 2024 15 Arianna Rossi AI literacy in the AI Act BACKGROUND AND FIELD OF APPLICATION The AI Act introduces the notion of AI literacy and the obligation for providers and deployers of AI systems to devise appropriate measures that ensure a sufficient level of understanding of the functioning, potentialities, [...]


By |2024-06-14T11:13:49+00:00Giugno 14th, 2024|

POLICY BRIEF   15 05 2024 14 Arianna Rossi Data governance in the AI Act BACKGROUND AND FIELD OF APPLICATION Data governance concerns the management of data during its entire lifecycle, from collection to disposal. The European Commission’s Guidelines on trustworthy AI[1] drafted by the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence have listed data [...]


By |2024-06-14T10:59:19+00:00Giugno 14th, 2024|

POLICY BRIEF   15 05 2024 13 Arianna Rossi Classification of AI systems as high-risk and relevant obligations under the AI Act BACKGROUND AND FIELD OF APPLICATION The AI Act is a risk-based regulation, that identifies various categories of risks that AI systems can engender and therefore assigns corresponding regulatory burdens to their providers. [...]


By |2024-06-06T12:33:29+00:00Giugno 6th, 2024|

POLICY BRIEF   15 05 2024 12 Stefano Tramacere Transparency in the AI Act BACKGROUND AND FIELD OF APPLICATION Transparency is a key principle and an overarching obligation in the whole EU legislation and in particular within the Digital Strategy, but it is also an important legal requirement provided by national laws in different [...]


By |2024-06-04T12:27:41+00:00Giugno 4th, 2024|

POLICY BRIEF   15 05 2024 11 Irina Carnat - Arianna Rossi The AI Act: the first world-wide AI regulation BACKGROUND AND FIELD OF APPLICATION The EU’s AI Act is the world’s first comprehensive AI law that establishes harmonized rules for the development and use of AI systems. It derives from the need of creating [...]

By |2024-06-04T10:47:50+00:00Giugno 4th, 2024|

POLICY BRIEF   15 05 2024 9 Francesca Gennari MEDICAL DEVICES REGULATION (MDR) – ITALIAN IMPLEMENTATION UPDATE DECREE OF 9TH JUNE 2023 CUSTOM-MADE DEVICES Ways of providing information on the manufacturer's identification data and the list of types of custom-made medical devices made available on the national territory. Decree 9th June 2023 (GU [...]


By |2024-06-04T09:22:10+00:00Giugno 4th, 2024|

POLICY BRIEF   15 maggio 2024 4 Update Chiara D’Elia – Stefano Tramacere - Andrea Blatti SECONDARY USE OF HEALTH DATA 2° VERSION 06/05/24 CONSIDERING THE AMENDMENTS UNDER THE ITALIAN ACT 56/2024 Secondary use of health data - 2° Version 06/05/24 considering the amendments under the Italian Act 56/2024 BACKGROUND AND FIELD OF APPLICATION [...]

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