• Opinio Juris in Comparatione

    Opinio Juris in Comparatione is an electronic full open access journal devoted to “Studies in Comparative and National Law”. It aims at enhancing the dialogue among all legal traditions in a broad sense e.g.: in a cultural sense in order to increase legal knowledge and to promote circulation of (and competition between) models and legal transplants; in a more policy perspective, in order to harmonize, when possible/feasible, substantive (or procedural) civil law or private international law rules having regard to the different ‘legal formants’.


  •  RIML – Rivista Italiana di Medicina Legale

    The Italian Review of Legal Medicine and Law in Healthcare Area is the official publication of the Italian Society of Legal and Insurance Medicine (SIMLA). It is also published in cooperation with two prestigious Italian institutes of juridical research, respectively involved in penal and in civil field: the Centro Studi “Federico Stella” sulla Giustizia penale e la Politica criminale (CSGP), operating at the Università Cattolica of Milan, and the Laboratorio Interdisciplinare Diritti e Regole, operating at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa.


  • Danno e Responsabilità

    Danno e responsabilità is the bimonthly journal that deals with issues of Civil Liability and Insurance as well as pecuniary and non pecuniary damages compensation from an innovative and multidisciplinary perspective. The journal offers articles, comments on the decisions of national and European Courts and annotated law reviews in order to learn about application practices on current and controversial issues . professional activity. For Lawyer 4.0, the journal follows very closely the impacts of technological innovation on professional activity.


  • Diritto di Internet
    Diritto RIML – Rivista Italiana di Medicina Legale

    Diritto di Internet offers a full panorama of civil, criminal, administrative and fiscal profiles of all the aspects of the new technology sector: e commerce, telematic contracts, digital signature, telematic process, cyber crimes, e government, internet banking. After new regulations having gone into effect on Data Protection, the now epochal issue of Digital Copyright, the telematic process going full speed ahead , the “rising out’’ of e government, the strong development of e commerce, the very nowadays often use of the electronic signature and the widespread computerization that characterizes the last decades, cannot fail to have consequences for the formulation and solution of the jurist’s questions

  • GenIUS
    Journal of giuridical studies on the sexual
    orientation and gender identity

    This sixth-monthly journal aims to be a reference point in the Juridical Research on topics such as the evolution of family law, constitutional, civil, criminal, international public and private law, anti-discrimination, labor and European Union law on the topics of sexual orientation and gender identity, with an eye to the changes taking place on the national and international scene

  • Annuario di Diritto Privato

    The Comparative Law and Legislative Studies yearbook includes a plurality of highly qualified papers by influential European and extra European academics. The Yearbook is an opportunity of dialogue and exchange of ideas, deeply-rooted in the traditions of a legal science without boundaries. Each volume, characterized by a division in homogeneous sections, hosts papers in Italian, English, Spanish and French.


  • Jurimétrie

    Jurimetrics. Review of the Measurement of Legal Phenomena is a journal created in 2022 with the scope to highlight the potentialities, difficulties and limits of applying mathematical and statistical methods to legal phenomena. It brings together thus contributions that implement, or develop a reflection, on the application of mathematical or statistical methods at law. Aiming to the transdisciplinarity and internationality, this journal aims to contribute to the rising of a community of researchers who have an original view on legal phenomena.


  • Novum Jus

    A peer-reviewed, open access journal in law, socio legal studies, socio political studies & legal sociology.

    You can visit the journal here Publindex (minciencias.gov.co)