Data Compliance, Algorithm Governance and Normative Science. China – Italy Cooperative Research Dialogue

Webinar coorganizzato da Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Institute for Socio – Legal Studies e Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa (Lider Lab)

Piattaforma Zoom

ID: 65478788807
Code: 169063

sabato 10 aprile 2021

ore 11.00 – 14.30


I Welcome and Introduction (17:00 – 17:20 pm CST / 11:00 – 11:20 am CET)

Moderator: Distinguished Professor of KoGuan School of Law of SJTU, Professor of Global Law of New York University Prof.SHEN Wei


  1. Rector of Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies(SSSA) Prof. Sabina Nuti
  2. President of CISLS, Senior Professor of Liberal Arts of SJTU Prof. JI WeiDong

(welcome greetings and introducing CISLS and AI Governance and Law Center)

  1. Professor of SSSA, Founder of LIDER-LAB Prof. Giovanni Comandé

(introducing SSSA and the LIDER-LAB)

 II Round Table Discussion (17:20 – 20:15pm CST / 11:20 am-2:15pm CET)

(For each topic, presentation will last for 15 minutes, and discussion will last for 20


 Topic 1: Rethinking Digital Copyright Law for a Culturally Diverse, Accessible,

Creative Europe

Moderator: Prof. Giovanni Comandé

Presentation: Associate Professor of SSSA Prof. Caterina Sganga

Discussants: Associate Professor of KoGuan School of Law of SJTU, Member of the

Planning Committee of the Chinese Academy of Law and Society Prof.ZHANG Chenguo

Research Assistant of AI Governance and Law Center of SJTU, PhD candidate of KoGuan Law School Dr. TANG Lin

 Topic 2: Legal Argumentation and Smart Court in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

Moderator: Professor of KoGuan School of Law of SJTU, Director of the Planning

Committee of the Chinese Academy of Law and Society Prof.ZHEN Ge

Presentation: President of CISLS, Senior Professor of SJTU Prof.JI Weidong

Discussants: Prof. Giovanni Comandé,Prof. Caterina Sganga

 Topic 3: LEADs Legality Attentive Data Scientists H2020 Project

Moderator: Associate Professor of KoGuan School of Law of SJTU, Assistant Dean of

KoGuan School of Law Prof.CHEN Keqian

Presentation: Prof.Giovanni Comandé

Discussants: Professor of KoGuan School of Law of SJTU, Director of the Planning

Committee of the Chinese Academy of Law and Society Prof.ZHEN Ge

Research Assistant of AI Governance and Law Center of SJTU, PhD candidate of KoGuan Law School Dr.YI Junlin

 Topic 4: Predictive Justice

Moderator: Prof.Caterina Sganga

Presentation: Doctor of SSSA Dr.Denise Amram, Doctor of SSSA Dr.Daniele Licari, Prof.Giovanni Comandé

Discussants: Professor of KoGuan School of Law of SJTU, Director of the Law and

Cognitive Science Research Center, Member of the Planning Committee of the Chinese

Academy of Law and Society Prof.LI Xueyao, Distinguished Professor of KoGuan School of Law of SJTU, Professor of Global Law of New York University Prof.SHEN Wei

 Topic 5: AI Governance, Risk Control and Knowledge Graph

Moderator: Director of the Research Center for Computational Law and AI Ethics of

SJTU, Chair Professor of KoGuan School of Law Prof.JI Weidong

Presentation: Director of SenseTime Intelligent Industry Research Institute, Joint

Executive Director of SJTU Computational Law and AI Ethics Research Center LIU


Assistant Researcher of Institute of Chinese Law and Society of SJTU,

Assistant Director of Research Center of Computational Law and AI Ethics LIN


Discussants: Dr. Denise Amram, Dr. Daniele Licari

 III. Concluding Remarks (20:15pm-20:30pm CST / 2:15pm-2:30pm CET)

Speaker: Distinguished Professor and Vice Dean of KoGuan School of Law of SJTU, Vice Dean of Chinese Academy of Law and Society Prof.CHEN Jinhua, Professor Francesca Chiaromonte, Director of EMBEDS